3329, Spring 2018: Network Architectures

Latest Announcements

1/26: Homework 1 out, due 02/02, submission in class
Late policy
1/22: New lab session on Tue morning.
We will have an additional lab time on every Tuesday from 9 AM - 10:50 AM. The meeting place is SERC 383.

See all announcements

General information

This course covers the operation of computer networks and internets. It provides the background to enable students to evaluate alternative approaches to client-server computing and n-tier software development. To accomplish this the course includes communications technology, computer network technology internetworking using the TCP/IP protocol suite, client-server protocols, client-server computing, network program component models as well as issues involving security, privacy, authentication, intellectual property rights, and social changes related to computer networking.

The primary goal of the course is to obtain a solid understanding of the basic architecture of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite and the main protocols of which it is comprised, and how to address fundamental networking problems such as naming, switching, reliability, routing, quality of service, and the taming of complexity. Supporting goals are to practice basic system and network administration tasks using the Linux Operating System and associated tools, and the ability to develop TCP/IP socket programs using the Java Programming Language.

Lab Session



A grade of C- or better in CIS 2168 and either CIS 2107 or CIS 2229. These may not be taken concurrently.


Quizzes will be in class. No makeup quizzes will be given.


Exams are closed book. The exams are mandatory. No makeup exams will be given. Students with an unexcused absence for an exam will be given an F.


Attendance is required.


You will be given several short assignments. These should be submitted in class in a timely fashion. Unless otherwise specified, homeworks may not be done in groups. Homeworks submitted on or before midnight on the due date may be considered for full credit. Late homeworks will be penalized 20% each day. Beyond three days, late homeworks will be recorded as zeros. Blanket extensions to the above policy may be granted at the instructor's discretion in unusual circumstances such as unclear directions, equipment problems with the computer lab as a whole, inclement weather, or cancellation of TA or instructor office hours. However, individual exceptions will only be granted in the rarest of circumstances. Appeals to accept late homework should be directed by email to the instructor, and should typically be accompanied by appropriate documentation (e.g., doctor's note). There are enough homeworks throughout the semester that disastrous performance on one or two will not prevent you from achieving a good grade in the course. However, habitually missing the assignments will guarantee a poor grade or failure.


All decisions on appeals for enrolling in the course are made by CIS Department advising staff. The course staff have no say in the matter. If you have any questions on such matters, please see your adviser.

Leaving the course

The last day to drop the course is September 11. The last day to withdraw is October 24. These are strict deadlines. Incompletes will only be given in the rarest of circumstances.

Academic freedom

Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom. The university has adopted a Policy on Student and Faculty Academic Rights and Responsibilities (Policy 03.70.02).

Academic honesty

Please review Temple's page on academic honesty and other student responsibilities in the undergraduate bulletin.

Special needs

Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss the specific situation as soon as possible. Contact Disability Resources and Services at (215)204-1280 in 100 Ritter Annex to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.

Last updated: 2018-01-27 00:22:13 -0500 [validate xhtml]