CIS 4362 Application Development using Relational Database
Spring 2013

Professor: Dr. Anwar Mamat
Office: Wachman Hall Room 414
Phone: 215-204-4207

Course Meeting Times:
Monday & Friday 3:30 PM-4:50 PM [Tuttleman room 302]
Laboratory Wednesday 3:00 PM-4:50 PM [Wachman 209]

Office Hours: [appointments are encouraged]
Wednesday & Friday 11:00AM - 12:00 PM
(other times available by appointment)

Teaching Assistant: Saumil A. Pradhan
Office hours: Monday 1-3:00pm Carnell Hall 1003

Modern Database Management (11th Edition) by Jeffrey A. Hoffer , Ramesh Venkataraman, Heikki Topi, ISBN-10: 0132662256, ISBN-13: 978-0132662253

Course Prerequisites:
CIS 2109 Database & File Management Systems
CIS 1068 Program Design & Abstraction using JAVA (Sufficient ability to program in Java or willingness to acquire it through self-study.)

Reading Assignments
You are required to read the assigned chapters and sections of the textbook before the corresponding topics are discussed in class. In answering your questions on the topics discussed in class, the instructor will assume you are already familiar with the relevant material in the textbook.

Course grade will be determined by :
Final Exam (30%) [final exam will be comprehensive, covering all course material]
Midterm Exam (20%)
Laboratory Projects (30%)
Quizzes, homework, class participation (20%). There is one quiz every week.
Unexcused absences will result in a decrease in the course grade

Course Description
This course will study more advanced features of databases in design, administration, and applications. Topics include data modeling and design, Advanced SQL, database application development, database transaction, database security, database maintenance, and data warehouse.

Course objectives

  1. Understand and describe current and emerging database models and technologies.
  2. Design and implement relational database solutions for general applications.
  3. Develop database scripts for data manipulation and database administration.

Course features

  • Hands-on experience and training with Oracle RDBMS.
  • A project allows students to explore their own interests and learn from the unique experience.
  • Course Topics
    This course will present the fundamental concepts in database management. The following topics will be covered.

    Student Responsibilities
    Student's are responsible for reading all assigned text materials, handouts, and referenced sources. Students are responsible for participating in classroom discussions and discussions carried out electronically though Blackboard or other class facilities.
    The CIS laboratory computer systems are available for use in homework and laboratory exercises. Access to the computer systems in CIS labs is through Temple University AccessNet username and password. Wachman laboratories 104, 200, 207, and 209 have dual boot Windows and Linux systems. We will be using the computer systems in room 200 for laboratory assignments. These systems will have access to both Linux and Windows source code for laboratory work. You are responsible for performing and completing all of the laboratory exercises. This includes becoming familiar with, and being able to use, all of the tools and software that are to be used in these exercises.

    Much of the source code work in this will be written in JAVA. Students are required to have familiarity with the JAVA language and development environments.

    Students are responsible for taking all quizes and exams in the course. All work turned in for grading or review by the instructors of the course must be the students own work. The objectives of the course can only be met by your doing all of the work and presenting only your work for grading. Presenting work that is not your own will result in disciplinary action.

    Student attendance to each class and each laboratory is Mandatory.
    Students who miss the final exam and do not make alternative arrangements with me before I turn in grades, will receive a grade of F.

    Collaboration and Cheating Policy
    You are welcome to discuss assignments and laboratory projects with other students, provided that all work turned in must be your own. If you do discuss your work on assignments with other students, please list your collaborators at the top of your assignment, underneath your name. This does not excuse you from submitting your own work! For the in-lab parts of laboratory projects completed in teams, both team members should contribute equally and will be graded individually. The write-ups and out-of-class portions of labs must be completed independently.
    In summary, when you are turning in an assignment with your name on it; what you turn in must be your work, and yours alone. Cheating will not be tolerated.

    Office visits, Voice Mail and EMAIL are encouraged for communication with the instructor.